Thursday, June 22, 2023

Camino days 32 to 35 Palas de REI to Santiago 64k of walking

 We made it! From Pamplona to Santiago in 35 days, 713k or 443 miles.  We slowed down for the last four days to enjoy the experience and sites.  This was a once in a lifetime adventure and we are both very proud that we can check it off the bucket list.  Now on to our next adventure.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you two! According to what we were told, you now are guaranteed to be going to heaven because you made the walk. Who knows...but you were already saved so this doesn't matter for you! That is a beautiful church...good pictures! Enjoy your accomplishment, pat yourselves on the back!!


Part 2 driving in a car from Sydney to the GoldCoast and back.

 We had a week to drive from Sydney to the GoldCoast stopping along the way to see the countryside.  While in the GoldCoast we stayed in a h...