Friday, October 11, 2024

Singapore, getting ready to board the ship for a month cruise back to the US.

 There's a lot to see in this city, it's so clean and modern; we visited "Garden of the Bay", "Mariner Bay Sands Hotel".  We didn't realize it but there a larger Mall underground that has AC at the hotel.  The place looks much different at night.  We also enjoyed Chinatown; it was much cleaner than any Chinatown that we have been to.  Everything was more expensive than a large city in the US, way too much!









1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are fabulous. I miss seeing at our dining table. We are going to the Caribbean in January on Carnival and MSC.


Part 2 driving in a car from Sydney to the GoldCoast and back.

 We had a week to drive from Sydney to the GoldCoast stopping along the way to see the countryside.  While in the GoldCoast we stayed in a h...