Wednesday, May 8, 2024

2024 Transatlantic to Europe for the second time

We took the Royal Caribbean Oasis stopping at Cadiz, Malaga, Alicante, Valencia ending in Barcelona.  The Oasis is a very large ship, we needed a large one for the 9 days at sea. While in Alicante we visited friends Stacy and Alan that we met on another cruise around South America.  They are full-time travelers like us, but they purchased an apartment in Alicante where they live up to three months at a time.  It was great visiting them and having a local to spend the day with.  Once in Barcelona we flew two hours to Rome's FCO airport and went to our AIRBNB.





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Bangkok, the most visited city in the world!

 After a 36-hour travel day from Athens, we made it to Bangkok at 7:00 pm and rode a tuktuk to the AIRBNB.  We had four days to explore the ...