Thursday, September 7, 2023

On to Ireland, 3 days in Dublin and meeting up with family

Pam's sister and brother-in-law met us in Dublin for our 21 day Ireland trip, fun fun! We rented a car and plan to drive the "Wild Atlantic Way" (WAW) it's a 1600 miles (2600 km) in length around the cost of Ireland, and is one of the longest defined coastal routes in the world. From start to finish it unfolds the wonders of nature, the power of the ocean and its imprint on the west coast of Ireland, and the stunning countryside in all its diversity. Enchanting villages are nestled along the coast as well as ancient monuments. WAW here we come!Waterford, Cork, Dingle, Galway, Donegal


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Bangkok, the most visited city in the world!

 After a 36-hour travel day from Athens, we made it to Bangkok at 7:00 pm and rode a tuktuk to the AIRBNB.  We had four days to explore the ...