Monday, September 18, 2023

Flying a glider in the Alps

 Most of you know I've been in aviation all of my life, my first aircraft to work on was the RF4C in August of 1979 and last was training young airmen in March 2023, that's 44 years. So getting an opportunity to fly a glider was a dream come true, once airborne, he gave me the stick for a 360 degree turn.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting - you could have been in The Amazing Race. They were in Slovenia (beautiful country) and did glider rides as one of the roadblocks. Living vicariously thru the Tumbleweeds....

    Bryan & Noel


River Kwai Jungle Rafts, we were on a floating raft for 4 days.

  " River Kwai Jungle Rafts" a  floating hotel was wonderful but very primitive!!  Our traveling friend Stacy recommended this hot...