Thursday, July 13, 2023

Pamplona "The running of the Bulls".

We stayed in Pamplona while walking the Camino, however we returned for running of the Bulls.  YES, I actually ran with them while Pam was perch on a balcony watching the fools run by.  The bulls starting running at 8:00 and they were finished by 8:05, it only took about 5 seconds for them to past me.  There were thousands of people wearing red & white, they interviewed us on the local TV channel but we couldn't understand any thing they said.  I had a running buddy (Clayton Coates) we met him and his Mom while walking the Camino.

1 comment:

  1. OK. Think I finally figured out how to make a post on your blog... Congrats on finishing the Camino and looks like the visit about Europe is off to a good start. Noel and I had a fantastic stay after we parted ways with you at port call Rome. Believe you guys also took in Rome after departing the ship so you know how nice the wx was at that time. Will say I am more than happy to walk laps about a ship over walking/running amongst bulls. Your posts about Sevilla, Gibraltar and Tanger brings back memories of our time in Rota, Spain (stationed there 84-87). Hope the rest of your time goes smoothly and look forward to your blog updates.

    Bryan & Noel


Part 2 driving in a car from Sydney to the GoldCoast and back.

 We had a week to drive from Sydney to the GoldCoast stopping along the way to see the countryside.  While in the GoldCoast we stayed in a h...