Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Southern England 20 days: Stonehenge, Sherborne, Plymouth and King Arthur's (Tintagel) castle

 We have a great Airbnb with a rental car in the English county about 90km south of Bath.  We have visited: Kent, Oxford, many castles and abbeys.  We are really enjoying seeing southern England staying out of the city.  We attended worship services at St. Nicholas and St. Michaels in our village, these churches were built in 1625 and 1652.  Our favorite time is our "morning 5 mile walks" in the village exploring every street and finding treasures around each corner.  Going to Plymouth and standing on the Mayflower steps were cool as well as going to Tintagel castle were the legend of King Arthur started in Cornish history. 



Thursday, July 13, 2023

Pamplona "The running of the Bulls".

We stayed in Pamplona while walking the Camino, however we returned for running of the Bulls.  YES, I actually ran with them while Pam was perch on a balcony watching the fools run by.  The bulls starting running at 8:00 and they were finished by 8:05, it only took about 5 seconds for them to past me.  There were thousands of people wearing red & white, they interviewed us on the local TV channel but we couldn't understand any thing they said.  I had a running buddy (Clayton Coates) we met him and his Mom while walking the Camino.

The "Rock" of Gibraltar

 While in Sevilla we took a trip to the Rock of Gibraltar that is at the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea.  Gibraltar is an English territory but is on the peninsula of Spain. Because of its location its been fought over for centuries because in time of war it can control the entry into the Mediterranean Sea.  To get there we had to park on the Spanish side and walk across the international runway that divides Spain from Gibraltar.  The rock has manmade caves that the military used during it's many battles and it has natural caverns.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Tanger Morocco (Northern Africa)

 From southern Spain we took an one hour ferry ride to Tangier Morocco.  Actually the buildings in the "old city" looked the same as southern Spain.  That's because both Spain and Morocco kept the same Moorish style from when the Moros were pushed out of Europe around 1492.  We had a Morocco meal,  rode camels and saw where the Atlantic waters met the Mediterranean waters.

Albufeira, Portugal

 Pam and I went to Albufeira in southern Portugal for a few days.  Albufeira is on the coast and the temperature was 36C or 97F, however the water temp was cold!  We had a balcony room overlooking the ocean within walking distance of everything.  We took a water tour on a speed boat along the coast and inside some caves.

Seville, Spain after the Camino and the start of Europe

 After walking the Camino we flew to Seville Spain where we start our European adventure, with Seville as our base.  We plan to visit Portugal, Morocco and over southern Spanish cities.  Because we are in Seville for 21 days we have an AIRBNB one bedroom apartment with a full kitchen and a washing machine.  I didn't realize so many movies were filmed in Seville.  Some of them were: Star Wars "Attack of the clones", Mission Impossible II, Knight and Day, Games of Thrones.   We took a riverboat cruise through on the river were all the explorers left from between 1440 and 1700.  We are trying to visit all the sites including were two great explorers - Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan set sail from. 

Part 2 driving in a car from Sydney to the GoldCoast and back.

 We had a week to drive from Sydney to the GoldCoast stopping along the way to see the countryside.  While in the GoldCoast we stayed in a h...