Monday, May 29, 2023

Camino days 12 to 18, Burgos to Leon 178k of walking.

 We have met some wonderful people on the Camino from all over the world.  We normally get to where we sleep about 2:00 in the afternoon, shower and repack and share wine with the other pilgrims. Sharing wine and eating as a group in the evening is the best part.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Camino days 4 to 11 Najera to Burgos 100k of walking.

We are using an APP that has the Camino divided into three parts; the body, Mind and Soul. We have just finished part one, where your body is challenged. Tomorrow we leave Burgos and start part two where your mind is opened. 

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Camino, days 1-3

 We started walking the Camino (France Way) today. We walked 15 miles with lots of hills, here are some pictures. Day 1

Day 2, we walked from Maneru to Estella and again lots of hills, cold but no rain.           

Day 3, Cold and rain all day long, we were cold to the bone, however we spent the night in a castle.



Adventures from Rome to Pamplona


Eating pizza in Rome with my favorite waiter

Seeing Spain on a double decker bus.

In Pamplona Tim wasn't feeling well, so we had stayed two extra days.



Thursday, May 4, 2023

 After stopping at 5 ports in the Mediteranean Sea and a few days in Rome, Pam and I plan on completing the (French way) of the Camino.  A 500 mile walk from France to Santiago Spain taking about 42 days with backpacks.  Santiago is where St James is buried and people have been walking this path for more than 1,200 years. 


Part 2 driving in a car from Sydney to the GoldCoast and back.

 We had a week to drive from Sydney to the GoldCoast stopping along the way to see the countryside.  While in the GoldCoast we stayed in a h...